Public Speaker

Alexander Denk is an in-demand public speaker and leader.


Mr. Denk speaks on topics ranging from inspirational philosophy and success, to health science, water, human nutrition, the human cell and how to cure rampant disease. Mr. Denk brings a lifetime of knowledge, wisdom and experience to the mix.

He is a very active member of Toastmasters International. In 2019+2022 he earned his Distinguished Toastmasters (DTM) certifications with highest honors. This is the highest accolade in Toastmasters.

Mr. Denk is a driving force in inspiring, mentoring and sponsoring a variety of  Toastmasters Clubs in the fields of finance, entertainment, technology, media, education and health. His strengths include time management, planning, implementation, organizing and delegating, facilitation, motivating people as well as team building. Mr. Denk is masterful in correcting errors, assessing situations and practicing clear decision making.

Mr. Denk is a native of Vienna, Austria. He’s one quarter German and three quarters Austrian. He speaks two languages (German and English) and currently resides in Los Angeles.

Awards and Accolades

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In addition to taking on countless leadership roles, Alexander has been honored and awarded for his outstanding dedication and commitment to excellence.

Mr. Denk holds the honor of District One Speakers Bureau Co-Chair, as well as becoming a qualified speaker and a qualified member on the Executive Board & Distinguished Panel Judges. He has been recognized numerous times and been given the most prestigious awards for outstanding service and exceptional leadership.

Mr. Denk has received a bevy of prestigious awards and accolades during his time as a Toastmaster, including:

  • 2nd DTM (Distinguished Toastmaster)
    Apr 2022 Toastmasters International’s highest honor achievement in communication
    Outstanding accomplishment and leadership, excellence in the pursuit of the mission of Toastmasters International.

  • Roy D. Graham – Lifetime Achievement Award
    May 2020 For Lifetime Achievement in Membership & Dedicated Services

  • The Smedley Lifetime Achievement Award
    Feb 2020 District One Speakers Bureau

  • Certificate of Accomplishment
    Dec 2019 District One Speakers Bureau
    First speaker in history to receive a standing ovation and be admitted as part of the Executive Board

  • Area B3 Assistant 2019/20
    Dec 2020 Dedicated Service & Outstanding Leadership

  • President's Distinguished Division B 2018/19
    Aug 2019 Outstanding Dedication and Commitment to Excellence

  • Division Director of the Year 2018/19
    Aug 2019 Outstanding Service and Exceptional Leadership

  • DTM (Distinguished Toastmaster)
    Apr 2019 Toastmasters International’s highest honor achievement in communication
    Outstanding accomplishment and leadership, excellence in the pursuit of the mission of Toastmasters International.

  • President’s Distinguished Area B1
    Aug 2018 Area B1 Director, President’s Distinguished Area, District One for 2017/2018

  • Area Director of the Year 2017/2018
    Aug 2018 for outstanding service and exceptional leadership

  • Area B2 Spark Plug Award
    Aug 2017 District One 2016/2017

  • Achievement and Contribution Award to Inspiring Excellence
    May 2010 Toastmasters International


Leadership Roles

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  • Club President, Toastmasters 90210 (2024-25; 2020-21)

  • District One Speakers Bureau Co-Chair (2020)

  • Vice President of Education, Toastmasters 90210 (2019-20; 2023-24)

  • Vice President of Education, Toastmasters Social Club and Malibu Toastmasters Club (2019-2021)

  • Speakers Bureau Executive Board (2019-20)

  • Sergeant-at-Arms, Toastmasters 90210, Toastmasters Social Club (2019-2020; 2009-2010)

  • Toastmasters Leadership Institute, Co-Chair (2019)

  • Division B Director (2018-19)

  • Mentor Director, Toastmasters 90210 and other clubs (2018-2020)

  • Area B1 Director (2017-18)

  • 18 Years Presidents Distinguished Award (2007-2025)

Inspirational Speaker

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Mr. Denk believes in humanity and mutual helpfulness so that we all can live in a peaceful world together. He wants to be remembered by creating peace, healing and making a difference in the lives of all people with whom he comes into contact. For Mr. Denk, public speaking is a powerful platform to articulate the causes about which he is passionate.

International Speaker

Mr. Denk has delivered speeches to thousands of people in countries such as Australia, Austria, Canada, Great Britain, Japan, Dubai, Thailand, Mexico and the USA. He firmly believes that “inspiring people with words is one of the greatest arts in the world you can have.”

Future Speaking Goals

Mr. Denk's future goals include: